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At BESTIE we are committed to creating a new and innovative model to combine digital and social skills. We focus on three key groups: older people, immigrants and young people.

Digital Skills Toolkit for Everyday Life

We are aware of the challenges faced by today's digital world, especially older people, immigrants and young people. To address them, we have developed the Digital Skills Tools for Everyday Life. This toolkit is designed to support digital transformation and help overcome these challenges.

What does our toolkit offer?

Our toolkit offers a series of easy-to-use tools designed to improve digital skills in various aspects of everyday life. These include

  • Access to information
  • Computer literacy
  • Efficient communication
  • Collaborative work
  • Problem solving skills
  • Train people

The BESTIE toolkit goes beyond bridging the digital skills gap. It also creates unique mentoring opportunities, allowing young people to take on teaching roles. This approach empowers individuals, giving them the tools to improve their digital skills and confidence in everyday tasks.

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